We’re already headed into the second part of our 2018-2019 season and preparing for our final concert of the year. Are you ready for the “Little Organ Mass” (Kleine Orgelmesse) by Joseph Haydn?
I loved all the sharing of food and fun at the Post-Holiday Part! Read later in the newsletter about Our Annual meeting and potluck dinner.

Barb Boyer has made and donated a beautiful hummingbird quilt for our yearly raffle fundraiser. We’ll be selling tickets for it all season and draw the winner at our Spring Concert. The tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. I’m blessed to have last year’s quilt. Truly a special piece.
On Thursday, February 14th from 6-9pm, Coldstone Creamery here in Cheyenne is going to donate 20% of their sales to our organization! They are featuring a “Cupcakes make the Cake” special also. If you’d like to pre-order one of these beautiful heart shaped cakes before the end of business on February 13th, they’ll also donate 20% back to us! It’s a red velvet ice cream cake covered in chocolate ganache! Check out our Facebook page soon for a picture. The cakes are $34.95. Perhaps the most important part of this fundraiser is that the customer MUST tell them they’d like to support the Cheyenne Capital Chorale when they order!!
Please spread the word and make Coldstone Creamery part of your Valentine’s Day plans!
Spring Concert and Rehearsals
Rehearsals have already begun for our Spring Concert at First United Methodist Church Sunday, April 28th at 4 pm. The final (dress) rehearsal is scheduled for Saturday, April 27th 9-11 am also at FUMC.
Remember, this will be the last opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for that beautiful hummingbird quilt made by our own Barb Boyer. We’ll be drawing for the quilt after the concert ?
As always, rehearsals are from 7-9 pm in the music room at FUMC. There are going to be extra musicians for this concert to make it extra special!


Annual Meeting and Year-End Potluck

We will be having a quick meeting on Tuesday, April 23rd at 6:30 before rehearsal to vote on board members, 2019-2020 budget and such. These are the necessary goings on that keep our organization running. If you feel led to volunteer and help in our group, PLEASE talk to a current board member. We always need help and want to avoid burning out our current volunteers. I’d like you to consider being a board member! We know of at least one office opening for next season. HELP! ?

Tuesday, April 30th at 6 pm will be our Year-End Potluck in Allison Hall at FUMC. The board will again provide the main dish. Members with last names ending in A-O, please bring a side dish, P-Z a dessert. Same rules apply from the Post-Holiday Party. Please bring your signature dish regardless of wherever that falls! We love to see your family and any prospective singers come to this dinner!

Can you hear it? Barb Boyer shared these thoughts with us…

Did you know that Simon & Garfunkel perfected their sound by watching each other sing?  They’d sit nose to nose for hours during rehearsals, looking at how the other pronounced a vowel or a consonant.  Garfunkel said in an interview with Rolling Stone, “I’d want to know exactly where his tongue would hit the top of his palate when he’d say a ‘T,’ to know exactly how to get that ‘T’ right.”  He said there was a difference between “almost right” and “better than almost right,” and the difference was whether it sounded professional or not.  So when Anne encourages us to shape our mouths for just the right “O” sound, or where to place the tongue for a consonant, it does make a difference.  Just be grateful she doesn’t make us sit nose to nose hour after hour while we sing. (Linda thinks maybe that’s one of the reasons they broke up…)

 Kleine Orgelsolomesse by Haydn

Haydn wrote his Small Organ Solo Mass in B flat in approximately 1775.  It is also known as Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo, because it was written for the Eisenstadt church of the Barmherzige Bruder, which translates to the Order of St John of God (Joannis de Deo), and sometimes called the Brothers of Mercy.

The members of this religious order were known for the medical abilities, and the brothers had great faith in the healing powers of music.  They also provided medical care and prescriptions for various ailments, offering things like “chest powder,” “Stomach elixir,” “herbal tea,” and “tooth powder.”

The mass is considered “small” because Haydn scored the work based on the limited resources the church possessed—a small chorus, a solo soprano, a couple of violins and, of course, the organ.  The word “Kleine” means little, and while it may refer to the size of the composition, it may also refer to the organ that was used at the time, which only had six stops without a pedal.

The Mass has six movements:  The Kyrie, Credo which is structured in three parts, Sanctus, Benedictus, followed by a repeat of the Osanna from Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. While the mass was originally scored for choir, strings and organ, later versions include with trumpets and timpani, and clarinets.


Haydn started his musical career as a choir boy around 1740.  At the church, he learned keyboarding, violin and composition in addition to singing.  When his voice broke, he left singing and started composing in earnest.  He composed his first mass in 1749.  A major influence in his life was composer Nicola Porpora, from whom he learned the fundamentals of composition.  Haydn also had patrons, who supported his music career.

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful organization!

Cheyenne Capital Chorale

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